DevOps Prerequisite Part -2 :Linux Most Useful Commands
Contents :
1.Managing File Permissions in Linux.
2.File & directory commands.
3.sudo user commands.
4.Package installation commands.
5.Disk usage commands.
6.System & hardware information commands.
7.User information commands.
Managing file permissions in Linux :
Permission Groups
For every file and directory in Linux, there are the sets of users for whom we specify permissions. They are:
- Owners: The user who creates a file, folder, or process is the owner.
- Groups: Groups refers to anyone who is in the same group as the owner.
- Others: Any user who is neither the owner of the file/directory and doesn’t belong to the same group is assigned to others group.
Permission Types
There are only three things you can do to a file: Read it, Write to it (modify), or Execute it (run the code on the file). Therefore, in Linux each file or directory has three basic permission types:
- read: The Read permission refers to a user’s capability to read the contents of the file.
- write: The Write permissions refer to a user’s capability to write or modify a file or directory.
- execute: The Execute permission affects a user’s capability to execute a file or view the contents of a directory.
implementation using chmod command:
# we see that chmod 777 file-name changes the permission from r-r-r to -rwx-rwx-rwx
File & Directory commands:
/ is your root directory
~ is your home directory
- pwd ( prints out the present working directory)
2. ls / ls -l / ls -al ( Lists the directories)
3.mkdir ( Makes new directories)
4. rmdir (Removes directories) : It removes only empty directories.
5. rmdir -v -p folder1/folder2
6. rm -rf <folder -name> It removes directories & sub-directories folders & files
7. touch <filename. Extension> creates a file
8. cp <file1><file2> Copies a file to another file
9. mv <source><destination> Move One file to another directory
10. cat <filename> Prints the contents of the file in the terminal.
11. nano <file name> : Edit a file using nano editor.
12. echo “text content” > <file name> : This overwrites content in a file.
13. echo “text content”>> <file name> : This adds new line to a file.
14. grep -i “filename to search” <file name> : Searches file/folder in directory.
Sudo User commands :
Ways to become sudo user in Linux OS.
why sudo user ? Because to install any packages we need to be in root directory. There are different ways to become root user
(1) sudo -i
(2) sudo -s
(3) sudo su -
(4) su -root
(5) su -
Package Installation commands:
1. Install package with help of yum command which will look like
yum install package_name
2. yum info package_name
this is going to display brief detail about a package
3. yum remove package_name
this is going to remove the package
4. Installing a package from a local file ./filename
Disk usage commands:
Disk Usage commands
1. du pathofdirectory
- To find out the disk usage summary
2. du -h pathofdirectory
This will bring up your information in human readable format
3. du -sh nameofdirectory
This is to find out total disk usage
System & Hardware information commands:
System & hardware information
1. uname -a
- a here is for all
2. uname -s
- to know the kernel name
3. uname -r
- print kernel release version
4. uname -m
- print Architecture
5. uname -o
- print your operating system
User information commands:
User information :-
1. who
- Login name of the user
- Date & Time of login
- remote host name of user
2. whoami
- It is displaying the system's username
3. id
- it displays the user identification
(real and effective group id's)
4. groups
- this commands is used to display the groups
for which the user is belonging to.